Unveil My Eyes
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In recent years we have been discovering the Hebraic foundations of our faith and our eyes have been opening to the Jewishness of our Messiah, Yeshua (Jesus).
We have found that many in the church are beginning to celebrate the 'Feasts of the Lord' found in scriptures such as Leviticus 23, which have been considered by Christians as feasts only for Jews to follow, but these feasts are also our heritage because we are 'grafted into Israel' (Romans 11:17-21).
Many desire to refer to God in a Hebraic way by calling Him Abba, Yahweh or Yehovah, and the Messiah as Yeshua Ha Mashiach (Jesus the Messiah). We hope these songs will be tools in your hands.
The song HaShem, which means ‘The Name’, speaks of the coming restoration of the reverence and fear of the Lord. Many Jews call God HaShem, believing His name YHVH is too holy to pronounce, whereas in the church, it is possible to lose sight of His holiness by over-familiarity. We believe God is restoring a deeper appreciation of the honour of His Name.
Our prayer is that many of these songs will help to bridge the gap between the Messianic Jewish believers and the Gentile believers, who are beginning to merge in our day to become the ‘One New Man' of Ephesians 2:14-18 and the 'One flock' of John 10:16.
We have found that many in the church are beginning to celebrate the 'Feasts of the Lord' found in scriptures such as Leviticus 23, which have been considered by Christians as feasts only for Jews to follow, but these feasts are also our heritage because we are 'grafted into Israel' (Romans 11:17-21).
Many desire to refer to God in a Hebraic way by calling Him Abba, Yahweh or Yehovah, and the Messiah as Yeshua Ha Mashiach (Jesus the Messiah). We hope these songs will be tools in your hands.
The song HaShem, which means ‘The Name’, speaks of the coming restoration of the reverence and fear of the Lord. Many Jews call God HaShem, believing His name YHVH is too holy to pronounce, whereas in the church, it is possible to lose sight of His holiness by over-familiarity. We believe God is restoring a deeper appreciation of the honour of His Name.
Our prayer is that many of these songs will help to bridge the gap between the Messianic Jewish believers and the Gentile believers, who are beginning to merge in our day to become the ‘One New Man' of Ephesians 2:14-18 and the 'One flock' of John 10:16.